tragedy to put up with? It is true that many TVs go through life with the mark of frustration imprinted on their hearts...many feel that they are trapped in an unbreakable cage from which they cannot possibly escape. But isn't it true that in many instances. the TV himself is the manufacturer of his own cage? When we say that society frowns upon transvestism we are thinking of our associates in business, our family and friends...that's about the extent of our "society" as far as our daily life is concerned. Now let's im- agine that after a careful analysis of our "girl-with- in" we find that she'll stay relatively contented w th a once-in-awhile dressing session...maybe once a month, or every 2 or 3 months. In that case the TV is entitled to carve a niche in society pretty much like anybody else: standard job, standard wife, standard children and standard relatives. Things will flow fairly normally. But, if the girl within is the demanding type, the kind that drives you crazy if you don't take her out of the closet, then this TV should realize that he can;t have the cake and eat it too and therefore he must simply change "his society" and earn a 1 ving in a different activity (preferably the self employed kind), and look for an unconventional wife, forget about perpetuating his name through offspring, and stay away. atives....move to Alaska if necessary.
from his rel-
What I mean
to say is that there is a great deal we could do to alter our private social life-so that the circles in which we move will be of our own choosing and there- fore more friendly towards the girl-within.
Let's take an example: There is a TV of my ac- quaintance who has definitely decided never to get married. He figures that two women in the same house- hold just don't mix. So he has his own apartment, carefully chosen as to landlady and finds himself in the enviable position of being able to dress whenever he pleases, visit the landlady and her husband, and even go out with them. Friends? Also carefully cho- sen... they all know he is a TV so there is no need to race madly to the bathroom to remove make-up and